Apple Watch Review

Monday, June 26, 2017

Long time no post, am I right? So sorry for the lack of posting. This semester was crazy and of course, I had a summer class I had to take, but I'm finally done. In order to treat myself for surviving through a super crazy semester and a summer session directly after, I bought the 38 mm series 2 Apple Watch. I have had it for over a week now and I am still getting used to everything. Just as I promised, though, I am doing a review on the Apple Watch as a whole and what I think.

I bought the rose gold Apple Watch, of course, and I still have yet to buy a new band so I am still using the pink sport band that comes with it. To me, the look and style is the most important section because I want something to look good, which is why I often find myself in uncomfortable clothing items and shoes. So far, I have gotten a ton of compliments about the look of it and how 'pretty' it looks. I love the style of it and the color. It is simple, but still has that slight flashy look from the rose gold color that it adds to my outfits. I was worried at first that it would look too 'techy' or too boxy, but it honestly is just as pretty as a non-smart watch would be.

There are way more things you can do on the watch than I had originally expected. I knew you could read messages, check the time, and see the steps you have taken, but I was not sure what all could actually be done. The watch automatically comes with a ton of apps, much like the iPhone does, and most of them are very useful.

Stop watch/alarm/timer

These are the ones I find myself using all the time, if not every single day. If you set a timer or alarm, the watch vibrates on your wrist until you stop it. The timer is nice for if you're cooking, you don't have to worry about a loud sound going off. Instead, it is a vibration on your wrist that you can't possibly miss.

Heart rate

One of the things I really wanted to do was to be able to check my heart rate because I have a rather fast heart rate. I looked into a FitBit, but it wasn't for me because I felt it would be a waste of money just to check my heart rate.

Activity progress/breathe

The activity progress is an extremely helpful app if you are someone who wants to set an activity goal and try to reach it everyday. It reminds you to stand, tracks your steps, tracks calories burned, and becomes your 'exercise buddy' by tracking your activity. The cooperating iPhone app lays out all of your activity for you and allows you to compare your activity among each day. It sends you a reminder to stand for atleast one minute out of every hour. If this is something you are not interested in, you can simply turn it off, but it is extremely helpful if this is something you would enjoy.
Breathe is an app that helps you calm down by reminding you to breathe for one minute every hour. just like the activity app, you are able to turn this off, but can help if you need to remember to take a breather. This one is not something I personally use, but I find it to be a helpful reminder.


Another neat app is the camera app on the watch. While, you are not able to take pictures from a camera on your watch, it launches the app on your phone and allows you to take a picture without touching anything on your phone. This one could be very useful for people who do not have a clicker and do not have enough time using a timer.


This one would be much more useful for me if I was someone who lived in a large city because I could use it while I am walking so I would not have to continuously look down at my phone. If I am driving and using my phone as a GPS, I have it connected to the bluetooth in my car and the GPS plays through my speakers with the music. Now, the watch also has the directions and vibrates as you get close to where you are supposed to turn. I liked this a lot because it is a reminder, but it also helps me know exactly when I am turning.


Lastly, but definitely not the least for the apps that come with the watch, is the messages app. This one is the most convenient and the one I without a doubt use the most. I love that it vibrates my wrist to let me know I have a message and when you lift your wrist up and tilt it to see it, it shows the message to you. This one is wonderful for anyone who gets messages and wants to read them, but is at work and can't look at their phone or is in the middle of something and just wants to see if the message is important. I use this one every single day at work so that I do not have to check my actual phone and can see it while I'm waiting on customers or even typing.

Along with the ones that the watch comes with are ones that you can download or ones that you already have on your phone. You can either make the decision to install all the apps or just install a select few, which is what I did. Some of the ones I installed because I felt that they were necessities were Instagram, Sleep++, and Twitter. I also installed some just for fun like iTranslate, and Night Sky.

This is the one downside of the Apple Watch. They can be rather pricey, but so far, I have found it to be worth the price. I paid 299 for mine when there was a sale and you can get them 'open box' for even cheaper. Also, if you do not care if you have the series one or two, you can easily save 100 dollars by getting the series one!

So, series one or series two?
I got the series two because not only is it newer and waterproof, but I usually try to avoid buying the first version electronic items. With the first version, they are still working bugs out and the series two's system has been upgraded and it seems to work a bit better. With that being said, if you do not need it to be waterproof and do not care about having some of the new features, along with a system upgrade, then save the money and go for the series one!

Overall, I love my watch and I would recommend to any person who enjoys using technology and likes the idea of a smart watch. While, it is hard to get used to, it is a wonderful tech accessory that I find myself using much more than I thought I would.

Interested in buying one? You can buy it here,
Series 1 Series 2 (Save 70 dollars right now!)

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