Red, Scalloped, Pointy Toe Flats

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I absolutely love these flats. The scalloped trim just adds so much to these shoes! Plus, they were (and still are) on sale when I bought them! How could I pass them up? Also, these Levi's are the comfiest pair of jeans I own.
I'm not used to using this wrap as an actual wrap. Usually you'll see me using it as a big blanket scarf. It goes so well as either, but I saw someone using one similar as a wrap and decided to try it out. What do you think?
One of my favorite combinations for winter is navy and red. Navy is such a lovely, versatile color. I love buying clothes in it because I know I'll be able to pair it with so many different options!
If these shoes paired with this wrap looked familiar, I made an instagram post using these weeks ago!

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Tuesday!
Dawn ♥

2016: Working on Resolutions

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Resolutions can be hard to follow through with, but I'm going to try and stick by them. I'm a lot late on these goals for the year, but better late than never, right? Maybe being late should be another thing I should work on...

One// Drink more water.
This is the one I really need to follow through with, Water works wonders for your skin and of course, it has a lot of other benefits. You can read everything you need to know about the health benefits here by WebMd. In the past, I've been so bad about drinking water, but I plan on changing that this year!
Two// Be healthier. 
I'm working on a healthier body and mind. This one is one of the harder ones with remembering to work out, eat healthier (it's just so tempting to eat less healthy!), and take better care of my skin. This is another really important one to me so, I'm going to try and keep up with it.
Three// Read more. 
I've been meaning to read more for awhile now! Having a best friend who's a HUGE bookworm helps! I recently took my first trip ever to Barnes & Noble and let me tell you, I'm in love! I can't wait to get into this resolution.
Four// Study more, procrastinate less, and do well this semester of school. 
Procrastination is such a hard habit to break. I'm one to put off huge writing assignments until the last minute. I'm trying to work on that for my writing class this semester, but so far, not so good. Studying isn't so bad, it's just getting started!
Five// Blog more. 
When I'm out, I mean to take tons of pictures to blog about, but sometimes I just forget. I'm going to try to be better about that in the upcoming months!
Six// Posture.
This is one my friend and I are both working on together. We noticed we both had been slouching a lot so we made it a goal to work on our posture.

Dawn ♥

Pink Hunter Boots

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Pink Hunter boots (Almost 50 dollars off!) // My open sweater is from American Eagle and last season and unfortunately, no where to be found, but this one is super cute! (And on sale) // My sweater underneath is also originally from American Eagle as well and also last season, but this one is cute! // Similar leopard print scarf // Pandora bracelet // Similar brown tote 

I decided to buy these Hunter boots, my first pair as well, and I'm in love! I love the color and I haven't seen anyone around town or on campus with this color. It makes any outfit POP! I loved that they were nearly 50 dollars off. How could I pass up an offer that amazing?! 
I found a new place to take my pictures and it worked out so well. Just the right lighting and the background is perfect. My dad and I are still learning about the camera, but it's a learning process. 
Loving this brown tote that I actually got from Walmart, but I couldn't find it to tag it. It's the perfect size for all of my stuff (the camera, my Lilly agenda, my wallet, hand cream, etc.) and it matches with practically everything. My necklace is also from Walmart and is perfect for anyone who loves Kendra Scott jewelry, but just doesn't want to drop 80 dollars on a necklace. It was only 5 at Walmart!! Hoping everyone has a wonderful rest of their weekend ♥

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