Pink Hunter Boots

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Pink Hunter boots (Almost 50 dollars off!) // My open sweater is from American Eagle and last season and unfortunately, no where to be found, but this one is super cute! (And on sale) // My sweater underneath is also originally from American Eagle as well and also last season, but this one is cute! // Similar leopard print scarf // Pandora bracelet // Similar brown tote 

I decided to buy these Hunter boots, my first pair as well, and I'm in love! I love the color and I haven't seen anyone around town or on campus with this color. It makes any outfit POP! I loved that they were nearly 50 dollars off. How could I pass up an offer that amazing?! 
I found a new place to take my pictures and it worked out so well. Just the right lighting and the background is perfect. My dad and I are still learning about the camera, but it's a learning process. 
Loving this brown tote that I actually got from Walmart, but I couldn't find it to tag it. It's the perfect size for all of my stuff (the camera, my Lilly agenda, my wallet, hand cream, etc.) and it matches with practically everything. My necklace is also from Walmart and is perfect for anyone who loves Kendra Scott jewelry, but just doesn't want to drop 80 dollars on a necklace. It was only 5 at Walmart!! Hoping everyone has a wonderful rest of their weekend ♥

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